The free software philosophy is a core part of the identity of Deltablot. We make our software open source because we believe this is the only way software should be released, to protect the freedoms of users.
Deltablot is a member of April, a french non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and defence of free software.
Projects directly maintained by Deltablot
- eLabFTW : the open source lab notebook
- malle : javascript library to make html elements editable
- Dropzone.js : javascript library to create file upload drop zone, abandoned by original author and now maintained by us
Projects with contributions by Deltablot
PHP projects
- Guzzle : HTTP client
- Zipstream-PHP : create streaming zip archives
- TwoFactorAuth : a multi factor authentication library
- php-markdown : parser for Markdown
- Phpstan : static analysis tool
- docker-symfony : run a Symfony app with Docker
- WonderCMS : tiny CMS
- ph7Builder : social dating cms
- Collision : error reporting tool for cli apps
- Commonmark : a lib to parse markdown
- Wolff : small PHP framework
- soluble-jasper : Jasper report for PHP
- Swarrot : a lib to consume message from any Broker
- LitPHP : flexible component collection for modern application
- StatelessCSRF : Secret-key based stateless CSRF token generator
- php-csv-exporter : library to export data to CSV
- OpenCore : Laravel for OpenCart
Security related projects
- Lynis : security auditing tool
- Nikto : web server scanner
- OSSEC : host-based intrusion detection system
- is-website-vulnerable : finds security vulnerabilities in website’s frontend JS libraries
- Trivy : vulnerability scanner for containers
- PHP Version Audit : vulnerability scanner for PHP versions
- Droopescan : web scanner for CMSs
- Progpilot : a static analysis tool for security
- Twa : web auditor
- Drupwn : Drupal enumeration & exploitation tool
- BlackPhish : phishing made easy
- Cryptolyzer : cryptographic settings analyzer
Python projects
- RecuperaBit : forensic tool for filesystem reconstruction
- : python memoization across program runs
- SimpleLogin : the SimpleLogin back-end
- PythonScriptingManual : python scripting manual
- Cheermeup : play random animal videos to cheer you up
Scientific projects
- Cytosim : cytoskeleton simulation engine
- Scinote : open source ELN
- Senaite : Docker container for Senaite
- 3Dmol.js : WebGL molecular graphics library
Miscellaneous projects
- apiDoc : generate documentation for API
- Julia : the Julia programming language
- Tmux : terminal multiplexer
- Sidekiq : background processing library for Ruby
- jQuery Colorpicker : jQuery plugin to select colors
- Astronomer : detect illegitimate stars from bot accounts on GitHub projects
- qmk Firmware : open source keyboard firmware
- ngx-fancyindex : fancy indexes for nginx
- ProjectSoundTracks : list of soundtracks for productivity
- Cornify : unicorns for the masses
Projects/creators supported by Deltablot

- Unicode Consortium: We adopted an emoji as a Gold Sponsor
- Ignace Nyamagana Butera: PHP developer that is part of the PHP League
- Borgbackup: Backup software
- K-9 Mail: Email client for Android
- Codeception: PHP testing framework
- The OpenBSD Foundation: Funding for OpenBSD and related Projects
- dimforge: creating Rust crates for numerical simulations
- Steve Bauman: creator of the LdapRecord library used by eLabFTW
- Jos de Jong: creator of jsoneditor used in eLabFTW
- Dariusz Rumiński: creator of PHP-CS-Fixer
- Sebastian Bergmann: creator of phpunit used in eLabFTW
- Gilles on Patreon: OpenSMTPD email software
- LiberaPay: a free and open source recurrent donation platform
- Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia
- Marcel Bischoff: for his country-ip-blocks repository
- Casey Holzer: for bootstrap-select